Eye Promise-Zeaxanthin
What is Zeaxanthin? Zeaxanthin is a member of a group of compounds known as carotenoids.* As a group, the carotenoids function like internal sunglasses, shielding underlying light-sensitive tissues from harmful blue light. Zeaxanthin is the key nutrient responsible for protecting crisp, clear vision needed for reading, seeing faces, and driving at night. The retina actively seeks zeaxanthin because it’s necessary to protect the tissues responsible for central vision. As an antioxidant, zeaxanthin works within the layers of photoreceptors to protect their longevity. In general, Americans don’t get enough dietary zeaxanthin from food alone, and many find it easier to take a daily supplement to fulfill this need. To best support their eyes, patients will need to take at least 8 mg of dietary zeaxanthin per day. Why 8 mg? Zeaxanthin…