Glaucoma Diagnoses and Management

Glaucoma is a disease resulting in damage to the optic nerve, which is the connection through which information flows to the brain. If left untreated, it can cause blindness.

There are several different forms of glaucoma, each of which affects patient populations differently. Glaucoma has approximately ten different risk factors. The more risk factors realized, the higher the chance a person will be diagnosed with glaucoma in their lifetime.

Screening for glaucoma is a routine part of all eye exams at eyecare & eyewear. If one of our doctors feels a patient is at risk for the development of glaucoma, further testing will be discussed. With proper treatment and follow up exams, glaucoma is most often more of a nuisance than a diagnosis of blindness.

Glaucoma Nerve
Glaucomatous Nerve: note the large central pale yellow area