Why Progressive Lenses?
If you are over 40 and having difficulty with your vision, chances are you are experiencing presbyopia, the common gradual loss of near vision. But there is good news: you have more choices today than ever before. You don’t have to carry a separate pair of glasses for reading or wear lined bifocal lenses like your parents did.
Progressive lenses offer a smooth transition from distance vision through intermediate vision to near vision, and they supply all the in-between corrections as well. This means that instead of having just two different viewing zones (near and distant), like with bifocals, progressive lenses have progressive powers of correction (from bottom to top), easing eye strain and providing the most natural vision correction.
Finally, people are moving away from bifocals and trifocal lenses, primarily for the convenience of having only one pair of glasses to meet their visual needs. An added bonus is the youthful look of having no-line lenses.